Strip Chart

Understanding the Strip Chart: A Simple Guide for Kids


The strip chart is a very simple tool that gives us an idea about how things change over time. Just imagine a long strip of paper or even a screen upon which you draw lines, dots, or other marks representing data. Well, this stuff is used everywhere from Science and Engineering to even hospitals, in order to track something in the likes of weather, temperature, or speed of a car.

What is a Strip Chart?

A strip chart is a type of graph used to show how something changes over some length of time. Suppose we want to see how hot it gets during the day; that is when we use the strip chart. The time goes to the left and right, just like when we read in a book, and the data moves up and down. From the strip chart, we can instantly see how things such as temperature change from morning to night.

How Does a Strip Chart Work?

The strip chart could be visualized somewhat as a timeline recording information as time elapses, maybe something like a movie running in front of you showing action every second. The data is drawn in the form of lines or dots which move across the paper or screen. It could display to us at what time the sun rises and at what time it goes down, or where your heartbeat goes faster as you play.

Where Do We Use Strip Charts?

Strip charts are used everywhere. They serve students at schools to learn measuring rainfall over a week. In science, they are used to monitor animal behavior or growth of plants. Doctors use strip charts in hospitals and check how a patient’s heart is beating or the breathing rate. Even in factories, strip charts show if machines work correctly. The strip charts are easy to read and help people make vital decisions from the data they receive.

Why Are Strip Charts Important?

Strip charts are important because they plainly express changes over time. For instance, if you wanted to know whether or not something was improving, getting worse, etc., that type of information is clearly transmitted on a strip chart. If you were growing a plant and wanted to see if it was taller each day, a strip chart would do that by drawing a line that goes up each day. Graphs of this type also make comparisons easier, such as who exercises more each day if two people are tracking their exercise.

Different Types of Strip Charts

Strip charts are many shapes and forms, depending on what you want to portray. Some use straight lines, while others use dots. Some use several colors while some use only one. However they appear, all strip charts help us understand the data more clearly. Some use lines to connect dots to show how something changes smoothly over time. Others might just show the dots themselves to display each data point separately.

How to Make a Strip Chart

It is easy and fun to make a strip chart. First, you decide what data you want to record, maybe temperature or your heart rate after running. Draw a long, horizontal line across your paper for your timeline, marking the time intervals: hours or days. Following this, draw a vertical line to represent the scale, such as in degrees for temperature or in numbers for heartbeats. Now, start adding dots or lines to represent your data for each measured time period. Make sure they line up with the correct time and data point.

Fun Facts About Strip Charts

Well, you may or may not know that strip charts have been in use since time immemorial. Even before computer systems, they were used for recording important information. They used special machines in earlier times that moved a long strip of paper and drew a line showing data. Today, we take the help of computers to speed up the process of making strip charts and for making them more accurate.


Strip charts are simple ways through which a great deal of information is readily understood over time. Whether you are a scientist, a medical doctor, or a student, strip charts make it easy to see patterns and changes. This ability to make and read them lets one learn new things about the world around. So take out a piece of paper, sharpen that pencil, and start making your strip chart today! The strip charts are fun to make, easy to understand, and show you more about the world around you.

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