Evil Eye

The Evil Eye: History, Meaning, and How to Ward It Off


The Evil Eye is a very ancient belief, which has existed for thousands of years. Most people view the Evil Eye as a form of a curse, hence bringing harm or bad luck to the person. This belief can be derived from the fact that it has emanated from numerous cultures from different parts of the globe. Mostly, the Evil Eye is given when one does not mean to; this is usually through jealousy or anger. It would be important to learn more about the Evil Eye, the history, and how people protect themselves from it.

What Is the Evil Eye?

The Evil Eye is a look or stare that is believed to cause misfortune, injury, or bad luck to those on whom it falls. It’s presumed that with the evil eye, anything from minor mishaps such as misplaced items to more considerable damage like sicknesses or accidents may occur. If a person just looks at another with envy or disdain, then that person is said to be harmed by the Evil Eye. Many cultures have a way of protecting their people from the Evil Eye through the use of special jewelry or charms.

History of the Evil Eye

The belief in the Evil Eye dates back thousands of years. The ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans believed in the Evil Eye, as do many modern Middle Easterners, Africans, Asians, and Europeans. The Evil Eye is even in works of literature, poetry, and artwork numerous times. As people thought that it could bring bad things, various ways were made up to protect themselves from it. The Evil Eye is much more than a superstition, for it is considered part of many cultures and traditions throughout the world.

How Does the Evil Eye Work?

The Evil Eye occurs when a person looks at another person with envy or any other feelings of covetousness. It is said that the evil glance contains negative energies that will bring damage. The Evil Eye is believed by many people to sometimes happen by accident; that the person giving the look might not actually mean to cause any harm. It doesn’t only affect people but also extends to animals and crops, even such things as cars and houses. That is why people try to save themselves from this negative energy.

Ways to Protect Against the Evil Eye

People follow a great number of practices to keep Evil Eye at a distance from touching their lives. One of the most common ways is by wearing an Evil Eye charm or amulet. Such protective charms are usually blue in color and take the shape of an eye. It is believed that it reflects. Other popular charms used by other people include the Hamsa hand, which also is thought to be a protector from the Evil Eye. Some cultures even pray or perform rituals, while in other beliefs, even something as simple as a good wish is said to offer protection from the Evil Eye.

Evil Eye in Different Cultures

Many cultures believe in the Evil Eye. In Greece, it’s called “Mati,” and blue beads or eyes are worn for protection by everybody. In Turkey, it’s called “Nazar,” and the blue eye charms cover everything from homes to cars. In India, black dots or other symbols are used as protection for babies. People in the Middle East wear blue beads or hang other charms to ward it off. Each culture has its unique way of warding off this Evil Eye.

The Evil Eye in Modern Times

Up until today, a lot of people believe in the Evil Eye. Moreover, it is also a part of contemporary culture. You can spot Evil Eye charms on every other jewelry store and even on clothes and accessories. Many people, including well-known celebrities, wear Evil Eye jewelry. It has become one of the hot fashion symbols. Even if people do not believe in it, they might still wear the charms because of good luck or because it looks good.

The Science Behind the Evil Eye

Although the Evil Eye is primarily a cultural belief, there are some individuals who view it in another light. Some scientists believe that it originated simply as an explanation for bad occurrences in life. For example, if a person became sickly or even dealt a streak of bad luck, the Evil Eye could have been blamed. While people now generally understand that the reasons for any sickness or accidents are totally different, the belief in the Evil Eye has continued in many parts of the world.


Why Do People Believe in the Evil Eye?

People believe in it for many reasons, as it could be part of their culture and family, or perhaps they have already experienced some things which they couldn’t explain. It is always better, many think, being on the safe side, so they do charms and all the other ways of protection. Evil Eye is the one way for people to feel safe from bad things that may happen.


Interestingly, the belief of the Evil Eye has endured for several thousand years. It is believed to be a glance that brings misfortune or harm to the receiver. So, for protection, many cultures make use of a charm or say a prayer. Even these days, belief in Evil Eye persists. Through learning about the Evil Eye, we learn why it is believed and how different cultures of the world are affected by this belief.

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